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Winners Find a Way

Aug 24, 2021

Global Marketing- Talks about Wendy’s passion for connecting people, especially across languages and cultures.  She lived in Mexico, Taiwan, and the Philippines where she fell in love with the richness of international cultures and came to understand that we are all human, no matter the language we speak.

In this...

Aug 18, 2021

KISS- Means Keep it Simple Stupid, do and make things as simple as possible, and always go back to the basics. The simple Leadership foundation and fundamentals. In this episode, Tim Selgo covers many takeaways for everyone who wants to reach the pinnacle of success.


Connect with Trent M. Clark 


Aug 10, 2021

Authenticity- simply means being yourself, giving, and showing what you are and what you feel,  that’s what Jessica Zweig wants to share with us. In this episode, Jessica teaches us to know how things went right when you’re in the midst of your failure and we learn a lot of lessons talking about our life...

Aug 3, 2021

Risk it All- Some people do not want to go out there and take that risk, because many are afraid to lose and instead of moving forward they step back. But in this episode, Jim Ayres, a business executive, and leadership consultant, always trained himself to have the courage to face difficulties and take that RISK...